Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Preview Review: Mashable


In the coming days I plan to post my full rhetorical review of the blog site Mashable and breakdown what it does well and not so well. With this particular blog it will be interesting to dive in and see what it utilizes to attract the near 40 million loyal readers. At face value someone might think that Mashable is a site that is affiliated with Facebook just by how interactive and social people can be through this blog.

To be completely clear, I plan on reviewing this site through rhetorical analysis which by definition is......" The examination of how the author, text, and audience interact to persuade." In the past few weeks our class has been using rhetorical analysis to break down blogs with varying themes and for this particular site it has been a common place I have visited. Through my growing familiarity with Mashable I've seen the authors create posts that have significance but also I've seen others lack depth. These are just a couple of observations, I will further illuminate what else I have seen and what works for this blog which has it's eyes set for the stars. During this ongoing review I hope to uncover their boundaries for what they speak on and their formula for continuous growth.

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